Jurassic park operation genesis 2 ep 1
Jurassic park operation genesis 2 ep 1

jurassic park operation genesis 2 ep 1

Ronner Winslow: Why yes, I would, sir Sherwood.Sherwood: Would you like to come up to testify?.Sherwood: So who wants to express their next point regarding Isla Nublar?.An old man was at the top of a large bench, seated by multiple other men at the sides of the old man, which formed the shape of a crescent. The scene then cuts to the Senate, where there were BBC cameras everywhere inside the U.S. President Questions Existence Of Dinosaurs In The First Place". A camera was on, showing a BBC News sign was at the bottom left of the screen, with a red line at the bottom with words that slowly travel to the left, such as "U.S. The same two red 3D sonars rapidly appeared, showing activists holding banners that said "We can protect them", "We created them how can we abandon them?", "Leave Isla Nublar Alone", "D.I.N.O.: Defend Isla Nublar Organization", and more, while they were outside of the U.S. Senate has convened a special committee to answer a debate of what to do with these animals. Other decisions brought out by other people include leaving Isla Nublar and the animals that inhabit it alone, utilize the animals by transporting them to mainland to utilize them for human purposes, or, a decision which is recently gaining support since its debut in September of 2017, rebuild Jurassic World and put its animals back on display for their health. One major example of an activist organization includes the Dinosaur Protection Group, which advocates for the rights of these animals and vocalizes that they deserve protection and care, whereas its opponent, the Extinction Now Movement, advocates for the extinction of the animals, by euthanizing them to ensure that these animals do not invade our world. Activist groups have mobilized around the globe in what has become the flashpoint animal rights issue of our time. The Masrani Corporation has paid out more than $800 million in damages to settle class-action lawsuits brought by survivors. The debate is what to do with these dinosaurs that now inhabit Isla Nublar, since the disaster that shocked the world in 2015. News Reporter: Three years after the fall of Jurassic World, the debate of Isla Nublar rages on.Then the blackness turned white, with two red 3D sonars going in, before rapidly revealing a woman with blonde hair.

Jurassic park operation genesis 2 ep 1